How To Groom Your Dog at Home

Amidst the fun and games we have with our precious doggies, it can be easy to forget or become lazy when it comes to grooming. Grooming is something that either makes people excited to meet your dog or utterly dread it! Visiting someone who has a stinky dog is never pleasant, is it?

It can be easy to lose track of how often we groom our pooches but it’s extremely important as it is crucial to their health. Our doggies love exploring and visiting every nook and corner of the earth. You can only imagine where all their feet have been! 

Think about the last time you cleaned their ears or their teeth. You probably don’t remember, do you? Paying attention to these simple things can help prevent them from getting infections or rashes. Here are some important ways you can groom your dog yourself at home:

Hair Care

That’s right! As much as you deserve hair care, your dog deserves it too. Some dogs can have luscious and furry coats like Shih tzus or golden retrievers, and some can have shorter ones like beagles or greyhounds. Long or short, just like our own hair, they need regular brushing to keep their coat healthy and shiny. This will also prevent their hair from becoming matted. Mats are formed when their hair becomes tangled and wraps around itself. This can even lead to clumps of dead fur that will start irritating your little pooch. You should brush their hair every 2-3 days in order to prevent this.

Along with combing, trimming your dog’s fur is equally important. It’s a good idea to get their trimming done by a dog grooming professional, but if you wish to do it at home, you will have to use extra caution. Always wait till your dog is calm so that they don’t get too excited about what’s coming. Buy a good set of grooming scissors and start trimming their hair from front to back. Work slowly and carefully and you’ll be able to do this yourself.

Lastly, make sure you give your dog a bath regularly. Most people give their dogs a bath around once a month. As much as they hate the sight of running water, they will hate getting skin rashes more! To give your dog the best treatment, you can use buy a dog groom box that will cover all the essentials of dog grooming.

Skin Care

Dogs can form allergic reactions or rashes pretty easily. Certain plants can have irritants that cause this. Ticks are also very common which make them constantly itch or lick their skin. Things like this can make your dog very irritable and aggressive. What’s worse is seeing your little pup suffer like that. Make sure you check your dog’s skin regularly for any unusual bumps. Captain Zack pet products are specially designed to deal with itches specifically. 

Trim Their Nails

As you’ve probably realised, dogs love running around, and having long nails makes it harder for them to walk or run around comfortably. As their nail hits the floor constantly when they are walking, it puts pressure on them and it can cause them to distribute their weight differently. This can in turn affect their toes and joints. Furthermore, if they are too long, they are at risk of being torn off if the nail gets caught on a piece of furniture or carpeting. 

Make sure you have all the necessary supplies, the nail clippers and the nail files. Have a few treats in your hand to help them through the process. Captain Zack offers a range of yummy treats for your pup and essential hygiene products. Hold their paw in your hand and identify where you want to make the cut so you avoid the quick. After this, little by little, you can begin cutting their nails. 

ENT Checks! (Ears, Nose, Teeth)

Yes, dogs require ENTs as well! Dirty wax can collect on your dog’s ears easily. Take a damp cloth and wipe the folds and flaps of their ears every four weeks. As for their nose, healthy dogs normally have moist noses, so make sure they are hydrated and stay in a room with enough humidity. Lastly, dogs can develop really bad breath if they are not cleaned regularly. All those cuddles are gonna feel so nice in this case. In order to avoid this, brush your dog’s teeth a couple of times a week with special toothpaste meant for dogs. 

Grooming your dog is an acquired skill that takes patience and perseverance to master. But for the sake of seeing your pups healthy and happy, makes it all worth it.


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